I was fortunate enough to participate in a program that 5 Minutes for Mom offered. It is Tackle it Tuesday and today features the laundry degerant Arm & Hammer Power Gel. I received a coupon for a free jug of this detergent to use then blog about it here. I know I usually blog about what is going on in Northwest Ohio or some interesting food I have prepared. After much thought, I concluded that this program fits very well within my blog. I have gotten tomato sauce, red wine, and grease spatters on some very good clothes. I need an apron! But besides that, the odors that get within the clothes also need adressed too. I chose the Arm & Hammer Essentials Power Gel because I like how it smells and love the detergents that are more natural than others.
The results: This was my first time using the Power Gel but not my first time using Arm & Hammer. I have always liked Arm & Hammer laundry detergents and dryer sheets because they effectively remove odors and keep the clothes smelling fresh. I have 3 boys and a toddler daughter, so I encounter a lot of smelly clothes! The knee stains on my 9 year old son's jeans came clean and it is wonderful for washing "accident" undies from my 2 year old. I am very impressed with the results of the Power Gel, I didn't have to use a stain treater or bleach. And guess what?! The clothes smell amazing too!! The detergent is very thick and powerful, not to mention several dollars cheaper than the leading detergent.
Arm & Hammer Power Gel laundry detergent... You get my recommendation!! Thanks goes to the 5 Minutes For Mom blog that allowed me to try it.